Wednesday, 21 May 2008


After a long time, I am posting up some new pieces of work....
below are a few digital renders of a replica of a chruch I designed with the aid of 3DS Max, fotr the textures I have utilized my own photographs, which were taken from location of the church, and have tried to achieve the best I could.

The church was designed for a shot which only with the aid of a helicopter we could create the shot.
And all three of us, being only students we were tight on budget and went for this option.


The reason behind the design of the church was for a group project at my time on the 2nd year at Leeds Metropolitan University. The project was to remake a scene from a movie, yet as a group we felt there were too many too choose from, and the standard of blockbuster movies would be tough achieve. therefore we diverted the idea slightly and came up with the idea of creating our own short movie/ trailer.. which showed clips of animtion and special effects.




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